Doula Continent

Doula Continent Animation is a super famous anime IP, adapted from the Tang family Third Young Master’s mystery novel of the same name. Doula Continent Animation is currently serialized on Tencent Video. So far, the number of plays has broken 20 billion +, setting off a new wave of Chinese comics.
The story of Tang San, a disciple of the Tang Clan, who crosses over to the Doula Continent, meets the love of his life in a world full of “martial spirits”, befriends like-minded partners, overcomes obstacles along the way, eliminates the evil forces of the Doula Continent step by step, and finally becomes a strong man in the Doula Continent to revitalize the Tang Clan.
Now, Xuanji Technology and Tencent Video jointly launch the Doula Continent animation series Blind Box. According to the classic characters and scenes, the Q version of the blind box is designed. May restore the world of martial arts spirit in the heart of Doula fans. Reproduce the classic scenes of the animation!
Into the world of the Doula Continent animation, along with you to explore the blood-soaked world of the martial spirit.


Doula Continent animation from the decision to animate on April 1, 2017

  • So far 159th episode of the animation
  • Nearly 1494 days since broadcast completion 
  • The total length of the leading film: 2403 minutes 
  • Play count exceeded 29 billion times 
  • Public number + Weibo followers exceed millions
  • Total number of shots: 59212 
  • Total special effects: 27799 
  • Total martial arts scenes planned: 12,408 
  • Total scene modelling scenes: nearly 556 
  • Total number of completed character modelling: nearly 1002 
  • Total number of props modelled: 13,383 

The specs of blind box

Name: Doula continent animation series blind box – Shrek seven monsters
Style: 8 basic models + 2 hidden models
Material: PVC / paper
Size: about 8CM-1OCM height
Box size: 8units / box, 12 boxes, 96 units per carton.

Doula Continent animation series blind box – Shrek seven monsters.
A whole package contains 8 blind boxes, a certain probability to draw hidden model.
Each blind box is an independent confidential packaging.
No one knows the style you may surprise with before unpacking. 

Tang San
Nicknamed “Thousand Hands Shura”, one of the Shrek Seven Monsters. In his previous life, he was a disciple of the Tang Clan. Later reincarnated in the Doula Continent. His martial soul is extremely rare dual martial souls, blue silver grass and Haotian hammer. 6 years old into the Nordin Academy to worship the master, and then met the love of his life Xiaowu. In Shrek Academy made a group of close friends.

Douluo Continent Series Blind Box 1

Douluo Continent Series Blind Box 2

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